Ср, 6 мая 2015, 12:00

Receiving of abstracts for participation in the International scientific and practical conference "Scientific debate: the issues of sociology, political science, philosophy, histor" has been beginning

International scientific journal and Financial and International Scientific Centre will conduct the International scientific and practical conference "Scientific debate: the issues of sociology, political science, philosophy, history" on May 28, 2015. 

Ср, 22 апреля 2015, 23:02

It is the addition in the journal list of scientific electronic libraries

J-Gate has included International Scientific Journal into its database.

Сб, 18 апреля 2015, 11:36

CiteFactor indexes the journal

Recently CiteFactor has revised the application of International Scientific Journal about including the journal into its database and has received a positive decision. 

Вт, 7 апреля 2015, 21:09

International scientific journal and I2OR are the partners now

International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) has indcluded the journal into its database.

Пн, 6 апреля 2015, 18:34

International scientific journal is in RePEc і InfoBase Index

RePEc and InfoBase Index have included International scientific journal into their databases.

Сб, 4 апреля 2015, 12:30

Now the journal ii indexed by TEI и SIS

Turkish Education Index and Scientific Indexing Services indexes International scientific journal.

Чт, 2 апреля 2015, 13:43

Receiving of abstracts for participation in the II International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance" has been beginning

International scientific journal and Financial and Economic Scientific Union will hold the II International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance" on April 29, 2015. 

Чт, 2 апреля 2015, 11:35

ResearchBib and OAJI indexes International scientific journal

Recently International scientific journal was included into Research Bible и  Open Academic Journal Index



Ср, 1 апреля 2015, 13:08

The Journal is included into three scientific electronic libraries

International scientific journal is included into database of Electronic Journals LibraryHamburg State University Library и Polish Scholarly Bibliography.
