ВУЗ / Место работы:

Населений пункт:
Харків, Україна

Кількість публікацій: 2

Актуальні проблеми сучасної науки: тези доповідей XІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Москва - Астана - Харків - Відень, 28 жовтня 2016)

Галузь науки: Культурологія
Читати onlineЗавантажити статтю (pdf)

Abstract. A distinctive feature of the current stage of development is the fact that science is a synthesis of various disciplines in various fields of knowledge, and, in fact, it forms a holistic picture of the world, holistic world outlook, which is gradually replacing all the old paradigms. The article considers the issues of the correlation of human nature and culture in its evolution, biological and social development of individuals and society. In this work the cultural evolution is considered in context of energy and information aspect, that allows exploring human culture as a process that forwards human development and evolution. The study has confirmed the leading role of the human environment in its evolution, the impact on the biological structure of a man, genetics, philosophy, culture, and the ability to change the world around. Conclusions concerning culture as the driving force that will contribute to the transformation of the world outlook of a man and society, the formation of values, ideas and priorities are drawn. It is concluded that culture should be the driving force that will contribute to the transformation of the world outlook of a man and society, the formation of values, ideas and priorities.

Key words: man, cultural, evolution, epigenetics, genetic mechanism, energy, development, process, environment.

Галузь науки: Культурологія
Читати onlineЗавантажити статтю (pdf)