invite to participate in a collective monograph on the topic:

 "Pedagogy and psychology in the modern world: current problems and development prospects" (Volume 2)

Ostrava, Czech Republic

(with assignment of ISBN (Czech Republic, EU) and DOI)



Materials are accepted: until March 31, 2023

Mailing of PDF-version of collections: until April 30, 2023

Mailing of printed version of collections: until May 15, 2023

The monograph will be posted on the website of the Publishing house "Internauka" and in scientometric base.


For publication in a collective monograph are invited: scientists, graduate students, doctoral candidates, applicants, teachers.

The materials will be approved by the Scientific Council of the Scientific Institution "Scientific and research center for sustainable development".

The monograph will be posted on the website of the Publishing house "Internauka" and in scientometric base.

The PDF-version of the monograph will be sent to each author.

The organizational fee is UAH 95/ EUR 4  per page of text.

The organizational fee is UAH 70 for members of the "Financial and Economic Scientific Union" and "International Center for the Development of Science and Technology".

Languages are: Ukrainian, English, Czech.

The author can order a printed copy of the monograph (UAH 400 / EUR 50).


  • General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
  • Theory and methods of teaching and education
  • Correctional pedagogy
  • Theory and methods of physical education
  • Theory and methods of teaching and education
  • Additional education
  • General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
  • Psychophysiology
  • Workplace psychology. Engineering psychology. Ergonomics
  • Medical psychology
  • Social psychology
  • Legal psychology
  • Pedagogical psychology
  • Correctional psychology
  • Political psychology
  • Developmental psychology, acmeology


Details for payment for publication are sent to the author after the editors receive the materials for publication and positive review.


Registration rules

The materials must be made on a relevant topic, contain the results of independent research, designed in accordance with the established requirements:

Minimum volume: 10 pages in A4 page format (297x210 mm), book orientation.

Fields are 20 mm.

Font: Times New Roman, pin is 14, line spacing is 1.5, style is Normal; It is allowed to use a smaller font size (10 points) for sections of the text that have an auxiliary (secondary) value.

Text alignment - by width.

Paragraph indentation is 1.

Pages are not numbered.

Figures and tables: design of the table: font TNR, pin is 11-14. The name should be above the table (Table 1. Table name) is oriented on the right edge. In the text before the table, there is a reference to the table (……. table 1 …..). Design of drawings: each drawing must be signed and numbered. The text of the scientific work must contain a reference to the figure, after which the figure itself is placed, and the inscription below it (for example): Figure 1. Name name name name. The format of tables and figures is book.

Formulas must be typed using a formula editor (internal formula editor of Microsoft Word for Windows).

References to the literature in the text must be given in square brackets, for example, [3, p. 35; 8, p. 56-59], in which the first number indicates the serial number of the source in the bibliography, and the second is the corresponding page in this source; one source is separated from another by a semicolon. The bibliographic list is given at the end of theses under the heading "Literature".

File name must be in English, according to the author's last name (for example: Kovalenko O.M).

Structural elements

1. Title of the section: alignment on the left edge, font is italics.

2. Surname, first name and patronymic of the author(s): alignment on the right edge, bold font, point is 14.

3. Academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (study): alignment on the right edge, font is italics.

4. Title of theses: center alignment, bold font, all words in capital letters (up to ten words).

5. Text of the monograph. Structure: an arbitrary presentation of the material in the form of a complete text of scientific research. Elements of the introduction, analysis, etc., which are inherent in the article, are not formed.

6. Literature.



Section: General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

Kutikolo Andrii,


Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Kyiv, Ukraine

   Riasnyi Oleksandr,

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor,

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Kyiv, Ukraine



Formulas and symbols are typed in the formula editor MathType 6.0 or Microsoft Equation 3.0, as a separate object in size: variable - 14 pt, large index - 10 pt, small index - 8 pt, large symbol - 18 pt, small symbol - 12 pt; Cyrillic, Greek and numbers - straight, Latin - italic.

Materials are not accepted for placement in the monograph if they are designed with deviations from the established requirements.


    Тeo К. Application of least-squares boundary residual method to the analysis dielectric rod // IEEE Trans. - 1995. - V. MTT.-38. - №8. - P. 1092-1095.
    Розін А.І. Відновлення зображення методом частотної корекції / А.І. Розін, Ю.А. Король // Електронна зв'язок. - 2000. - №8. - С. 69-71.
    Арман Н. Ортогональні перетворення / Н. Арман, Р. Рібо / Пер. з нім. / Под ред. А.Р. Томенко. - М .: Связь, 1980. - 248 с.



Submission of materials:

Materials are sent by [email protected]

Materials are sent for review after receipt and the author is sent an invoice after a positive review.




                           [email protected]