A monograph is a scientific publication containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic belonging to one or more authors.

The publishing house "Internauka" offers services for publishing single and collective monographs, as well as teaching aids.

The service includes:

  • Assignment of the international ISBN index.
  • Assessment of classification indices (BBK, UDC).
  • Assignment of the copyright symbol ©.
  • Assignment of the digital identifier DOI.
  • Placement of the monograph / scientific manual on the official website of the Publishing House "Internauka".
  • Submission of the full text or abstract (at the request of the author) of the monograph / scientific manual in RSCI and in the electronic libraries of the partners of the publishing house.

Dear authors! To calculate the cost of publishing monographs or scientific aids at the Publishing House "Internauka", send an e-mail ([email protected]) to the editor with the subject: "The book"