Городко М. В. Управління ризиками в логістичній системі молокопереробних підприємств // Міжнародний науковий журнал. — 2015. — №2.
Аль-Абабнех Х. А. Модель ефективного розподілу рекламного бюджету між рекламними носіями, заснована на алгоритмі імітації відпалу // Міжнародний науковий журнал. — 2015. — №2.
It is investigated the organization of information-analytical activities to provide financial and economic security of the bank.
Key words: information, information resource, information and analytical work, information audit, information monitoring.
У статті розглядається сутність категорії заощадження домогосподарств в історичній ретроспективі та фактори що на них впливають.
Ключові слова: доходи, заощадження, інвестиційні ресурси, домогосподарство, ринок інвестицій.
The article deals with the need to restructure enterprises in a crisis under the influence of the environment and economic policy. The main focus of the restructuring should be the formation of integrated business units to ensure the efficient enterprise activities
Keywords: restructuring, competitiveness, food enterprises, bakery industry.
Abstract: As well as analyzing equations of fourth and sixth order, the article suggests a method allowing non-homogeneous partial differential equations of even order in mathematical theory of plates to be reduced to non-homogeneous equations of second order which could be solved using the Hankel integral transform.
Keywords: reduction of order, non-homogeneous partial differential equation, mathematical theory, plate.
In the article the theoretical financial safety management in enterprises and proposed management mechanism by uprvlinnya method.
Keywords: financial security, financial stability, liquidity balance, management decisions, security model.
The change of priority of the institutional principles of church as well as change of the perception of some economic phenomena are discussed. The findings of this study reveal that influence of church on the development of financial-credit relations took place on spiritual and material levels. This study presents evidence to the hypothesis that development of the financial organizations under the church supervision is strictly connected with the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine.
Keywords: church, religion, religious institutions, diocese, financial and credit relations, usury, the bank, the era of free enterprise.
In article approaches existing in scientific literature concerning interpretation of essence of the categories «liquidity» and «solvency» are considered; parameters of their interrelation and essential differences are reflected; the reasons of emergence of crisis of bank liquidity are given; its value in ensuring effective functioning of banking institution is defined.
Keywords: banking institution, liquidity, solvency, bank obligations, crisis of bank liquidity, credits, deposits.
A fluidizer light design, consisting of light chamber, is resulted in the article; semilucent screen; matrices of ultra of bright light-emitting diodes. As a result of theoretical researches an experimental fluidizer is developed physical design of thermal tension on workplaces with intensive teplovydeleniem. On the basis of physical design conformities to law of change thermo of radiation tension are set depending on the spatial location of sources of caloradiance.
Keywords: heat flow, sensor, excessive heat radiation, heating temperature, measurement range.
The questions of safety of workers which work in dangerous terms in extraordinary situations (ES) on the objects of a build industry are examined in the article. Authors offer an useful model which behaves to the application of scullguard domain with the visor of fireman-rescuer. Namely, to the shock-protective helmets (to the helmets) and by the devices connected with them for defence of person and sights which are produced from composite materials on the basis of fiberfills and relating their polymeric layers.
Keywords: increased danger, emergency situations, safety helmet, multilayered shell, temperature protection.
Annotation The article investigates theoretical foundation of the definition of services and their development in foreign markets. Dynamic and structural analysis of the service sector in the international market has been carried out.There has been done the economic and statistic analysis of external economic activities of Ukraine in the service sector, the forecast has been made and the effects of negative factors have been determined and recommendations for their improvement have been given.
Keywords: service, economy, international market, analysis, structure, dynamics, GDP, export, Ukraine, forecast.
Ключові слова: фінансово-економічна безпека, діагностика рівня фінансово-економічної безпеки.
In the article the theoretical and methodical ground of financial safety as systems is considered organizationally and administrative measures on an enterprise.
Keywords: financial safety is on an enterprise, system of financial safety, subsystem of financial safety, model of safety.
The paper studied the nature of company profits as an economic category. Grounded theory of profits. This model of strategic management profitability from a position of economic balance.
Keywords: profit, strategy, profitability management, strategy formation.
Summary. The author of the article displays D. S. Merezhkovsky finds the form which allows to express rather absolutely the religious idea of «The Third Testament» during his artistic striving. In this sense, one can consider «Jesus Unknown» as the attempt to show the unity of form and content when the fragment as a literary form implying the process of finding becomes the determinative artistic principle in D. S. Merezhkovsky's reflection of the process of looking for religion for himself and himself in religion.
Keywords: Merezhkovsky, fragment as a literary genre, fragmentary integrity, visualization «broken mind».
In the article the methodical instructions concerning the possibility to ensure the financial stability of commercial banks. Investigated the practice of diagnostics of the financial stability of the Bank. Defined methods for the improvement of definition of reliability of financial stability.