Scientific articles have to be executed on a hot topic, contain the results of independent research issued according to the established requirements (DOWNLOAD the requirement for articles and an example of registration).

Requirements for registration
Article Format
A4, orientation is the book, materials are stored and prepared in the format in Microsoft Word (* .doc or * .docx)
Fields all fields of 25 mm
Primary font
Times New Roman
Arial і Courier New for text fragments
Font size of the main text
14 points
It is allowed to use a smaller font (10 points) for sections of text that have an auxiliary value
Line spacing sesquialteral
Alignment of the text on width
Paragraph space 1,25
Numbering of pages it isn't conducted
Drawings and tables
It is necessary to give in article after the text where they are mentioned for the first time or on the following page.
Size of the tabular text 12, interval 1. Digital material moves in the table which has serial number and alignment on the right side (for example, of Table 1) and the name (it is printed over the table in the middle a bold-face type Times New Roman, size 12, interval 1). 
Drawing has to be uniform graphic object (i.e., grouped).  After the tables and drawings, indicate the source ([1, page 34], the author's development, compiled by the author on the basis of [2, pp. 45, 3, p. 76], etc.). Illustrations must be numbered and they must have names that are indicated outside the grouped graphic object (for example, Fig. 1. Dynamics of the wage level in Ukraine).Format of tables and drawings is the book.
Must have to be gathered by means of the editor of formulas (the internal editor of formulas Microsoft Word for Windows).
Links to literature
Links to literature in the text need to be submitted in square brackets for example, [3, page 35; 8, page 56-59] in which the first figure indicates serial number of a source in the list of references, and the second — the corresponding page in this source; one source from another separates a semicolon. The bibliography is given in the end of theses under the heading «Literature».
Article Size up to 30 pages.


Structural elements of the article
  1. Section of the journal. (upper right corner of the page, font Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14)
  2. Index UDC (upper left corner of the page, font Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14).
  3. Surname, name, patronymic of the author (s), place of work (study), academic degree, academic title, position - in three languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, English) (If the article is written not in Ukrainian, Ukrainian translation is optional) - (right corner of the page, font Times New Roman (Cyr), font size 14, bold);
  4. The title of the article is in three languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, English) (If the article is not written in Ukrainian, Ukrainian translation is optional) (center of the page, Times New Roman font (Cyr), font size 14, bold, all upper, ten words);
  5. Annotations - the volume of 200-250 words, in three languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, English) (If the article is not written in Ukrainian, the Ukrainian translation is optional) (italicized from the paragraph).
  6. Key words (at least 3 words or phrases separated from each other by a comma) - in three languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, English) (If the article is not written in Ukrainian, Ukrainian translation is optional);
  7. The text of the article, which can be in Ukrainian, Russian, English. In the article, according to the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine "On raising the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine" dated January 15, 2003 No. 7-05 / 1, the following elements should be identified (with emphasis in the text):
  • The statement of the problem in its general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks
  • An analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution of this problem has been initiated and on which the author relies, highlighting the previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
  • Formulation of the objectives of the article (statement of the problem);
  • Exposition of the main material of the study with full justification of the scientific results obtained;
  • Conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction;
  • List of literature (it is made out according to new requirements, which are published in the Bulletin of the Higher Certification Commission of Ukraine, No. 3, 2008);
  • References in the Roman alphabet. (According to the new rules, which take into account the requirements of international citation systems, the authors of the articles should give a list of literature in two versions: one in the original language and a separate block the same References in the harvard reference system, repeating therein The same order of all sources of literature, regardless of whether there are among them foreign).
Online converter from Ukrainian for transliteration:
Online converter from Russian for transliteration: