DOI is the identifier of a digital object, namely the designation of a website page that couldn’t be changed or deleted. The site could be deleted, its content could be changed, but the page assigned with the DOI remains unchanged.
DOI is the standard with which publishers from all over the world work. In addition, the world scientific community does not recognize electronic publications without a DOI number, then without it the article is not stable well on the Internet and it could disappear, which negatively affects on the indexing of citations. More about DOI in Wikipedia.
The publishing house "Internauka" has renewed a direct contract with Crossref, the official registration agency DOI for scientific and professional publications. The prefix of our publisher is 10.25313, with which you could find us on the list of affiliated organizations on the Crossref website.
Advantages of using the DOI digital object ID:
- DOI (Digital object identifier) or digital object identifier is a modern standard for providing information to the Internet, it uses by all major international scientific organizations and publishers. DOI - the standard is accepted by all leading publishing houses of the world (400 publishing houses);
- DOI uses the European Union's official publications by the EU. DOI adopted in the English-speaking scientific environment to exchange of data between scientists. In fact, the DOI is the way of a document in a general information-virtual space (usually on the Internet) to obtain the necessary information.
- Scientific research data sets by DataCite is a consortium of leading research libraries, technical providers, information and scientific data centers.
- Permanent global identifiers for commercial video content through the Entertainment is ID registry, commonly known as EIDR.
- Quotations in scientific publications (journal articles, books, e-books, etc.) by CrossRef is a consortium of about 3,000 publishers.
- The number increasing of citations of the author's articles automatically multiplies it citation index and the personal index of Hirsch is the most important scientometric indicators at the present stage of the development of science.
- When an article is quoted with a DOI by one of the journals wich included in Scopus, the Web of Science or some other prestigious bibliographic database, these articles and the authors are also recorded in these databases.
- DOI greatly facilitates the procedures for citing, searching and localizing of scientific publications.
- Assignment of the DOI provides a reduction of the loss of links. A DOI code which, unlike a bibliographic reference, could be recognized without errors.
- Assignment of the DOI provides protection of intellectual property.
Search by DOI number is on the sites of International DOI Foundation (IDF) and CrossRef. To search an article, you have to type the DOI code in the search box.
An example of a scientific article for a list of literature with assigned a digital identifier DOI:
Skuratovskaya D.V. Ways ti improve management costs // International scientific journal "Internauka" - 2016-N 6. DOI 10.21267/IN.2016.6.2294
Certificate will be sent each author in electronic form after the assignment of the digital identifier DOI.