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Summary: The proposed approach to optimization of the diagnosis of preeclampsia using registration key hemodynamic parameters, which allows to objectively evaluate the hemodynamics in pregnant women with preeclampsia, to determine the type of hemodynamics in pregnant women and to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy.
Keywords: pregnancy, cardio-vascular system in preeclampsia, the hemodynamic parameters of the neural network.
Summary: Proposed a new generation mechanism and the establishment of a private key pair in the cloud without private key transfer. Improved implementation of user authentication algorithm in the cloud using OAuth, by applying the algorithm of digital signature DSTU 4145-2012 and hardware protection.
Key words: key management, the OAuth, hardware protection, cloud.
Summary: Is analyzed appropriateness and advantages of the use of WEB-sites to create the educational complex. The technology of creation of electronic educational complex using the Joomla content management system for professional training of specialists.
Key words : information technology, electronic educational complex, the use of WEB-sites.
Summary: the problem of constructing an effective information security system is solved with the use of the system and the project approach, which not only fully take into account the types of objects informatization, but also allow transforming system in the event of new threats or her aging.
Key words: information security, unauthorized access, the authorities.
Abstract: The essence and features of competence-based approach in the process of professional and personal resistance at the future of law enforcement.
Keywords: competence approach, competence, competence, professional competence, informational competence, professional and personal stability.