Educational and Research Institute of Information Security National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Ковалів М. В., Хмиз М. В., Єсімов С. С., Скриньковський Р. М., Назар Ю. С., Ткачук Т. Ю., Чистоклетов Л. Г., Хитра О. Л., Кайдрович Х. І. Виконання постанов про позбавлення права керування транспортним засобом в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2022. — № 5.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Шепета О. В., Тугарова О. К. Основні вимоги до планування захисту інформації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційних системах на підприємстві // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 3.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Турченяк О. М., Тугарова О. К. Сучасний стан національної системи захисту інформації з обмеженим доступом // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2019. — №3.

Branch of science: National security
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Савченко Д. С. Проблемні аспекти захисту банківської таємниці в Україні та їх адаптація до європейських стандартів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2017. — №12.

Branch of science: Legal science
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Summary. The article examines the phenomenon of terrorism information at this stage and counteract it. Most attention focuses on concepts such as media and cyberterrorism, which are major components of modern information terrorism. Deals with the essence of the phenomenon, described as examples of the information prevention of terrorism at the international scene.

Key words: information terrorism, information terrorism, cyberterrorism, media terrorism, information space, the media.

Branch of science: National security
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary: The article describes the impact of new technologies on social networks on the population of a state, and the peculiarities of intelligence and subversive activities of foreign intelligence services on the Internet, which could include commitment and planning applications; Receptor specificity determination; gathering information to further identify, concrete behaviors initiated. We study the key stages of collecting information for later use manipulyatyvnyho impact on the human mind online. Reasons efficiency technologies inciting users to the Internet and most influential technology influence.

Keywords: Internet; social networks; information space; reconnaissance and subversive activities; confidential information; manipulation.

Branch of science: National security
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Summary: This paper examines the process of becoming a global terrorism and its impact on international relations. The analysis of tendencies of strengthening international relations in the context of global terrorism. We give not only perspective, but also a serious threat of global conflict and international relations in the field of national security. It reveals the essence of the strategy of tension caused by terrorist acts. We consider international terrorism information as part of terrorism, a kind of system of global processes.

Key words: globalization, a single information space, information society, the strategy of tension, terrorism information.

Branch of science: National security
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Summary: The article deals with new technologies suggestion in the Internet, also the peculiarities of suggestion on the Internet, to which was referred: focus and planning applications; a concrete definition of the object of suggestion; the uncritical perception of the information object; a certain, specific behavior that is initiated. Discusses lingual-suggestive technologies that contribute to the implementation of manipulation in the Internet. Explores the key stages suggestive of a manipulative impact on a person's consciousness to the Internet. Reveal the reasons for the effectiveness suggestion technologies in the Internet and most influential techniques of suggestion.

Keywords: Internet; suggestion; information space; suggestive linguistics; manipulation.

Branch of science: National security
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Actual problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of VІIІ International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv - St.Petersburg - ViennaJanuary 31, 2017)

Branch of science: Of social science
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Actual problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of VІIІ International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv - St.Petersburg - ViennaJanuary 31, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of VІIІ International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv - St.Petersburg - ViennaJanuary 31, 2017)

Branch of science: Public administration
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Annotation:  The state of information security of Ukraine and the main task of non-state actors to ensure it. Today carried out a range of measures to ensure information security in enterprises of public and private ownership. Contradictory and undeveloped legal regulation of social relations in the field of information security leads to serious consequences. Thus, the lack of regulation of relations in the realization of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens on personal safety for the protection of constitutional order, morality, health, rights and lawful interests of citizens, the country's defense and security impede the maintenance of a proper balance of interests individuals, society and the state in the field of information security. Imperfect legal regulation of relations in the field of information security hampers formation in Ukraine Ukrainian enterprises competitive private ownership that could provide quality services for the personal and public safety.

Keywords: Civil security sector, business security, information security, internal and external threats commercial information.

Branch of science: National security
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: National security
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Legal science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Of social science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: National security
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Summary: Analyzed the legal framework for the protection of state secrets in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Key words: state secret, The Federal Republic of Germany, guard organization, criminal liability, comparative analysis.

Branch of science: National security
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