Russian "Scientific Perspective" Investment and Innovation Fund (Moscow, Russia)

Scientific research: the paradigm of innovative development: Abstracts of reports of the IV International scientific conference (Prague, Czech Republic, November 27, 2020)

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XXХVІ International scientific-practical conference (Saint-Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, November 29, 2018)

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Сажин В. Б., Сажин Б. С. Комплексная стратегия выбора рационального аппаратурно-технологического обеспечения процесса сушки // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №20. 

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: The theory and practice of non-stationary thermal regime of the regular methods for the determination of thermal characteristics  of particulate materials to be dried. The conditions for the rational use of such methods.

Key words: heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, drying.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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