Samarkand State University of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi (Samarkand, Uzbekistan)

Ражамурадова Н. З., Хайдаров С. С., Нормурадова М. А., Бозоров Б. М. Влияния дополнительной подкормки на процессы пищеварения и продуктивности сукозных коз в условиях пастбищного содержания // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". — 2021. — №2.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Khalimov  F. Z.,  Alikulov B. S., Ruziev F. A., Khayitov D. G., Ruziev Yu. S., Ismailov Z. F., Khamidova A. B., Zokirova D. F.,  Yuldasheva M. K. Possibilities of using the biomass biomass of halophytes and waste wildlife as a raw material for the production of biogas // International scientific journal "Internauka". — 2018. — №16.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Бозоров Б. М., Нусратуллаева Ш. И. Ёзги уйқу ҳолатининг кемирувчилар вакилларининг ҳаракат-ҳимоя шартли рефлексларига таъсири // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №2.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Summary. Somatometric parameters, body weight, length of growth, size of head and chest volume in children of the same age living in various climatic zones of the Samarkand region were studied. In the studies, 650 boys and girls took part. These studies were performed using anthropometric methods.

Key words: physical development, anthropometry, somatometry, dynamics, mass, growth, thorax, season.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Summary. This article provides information that in the nutrition of rabbits there are bivalent antagonistic elements that prevent the absorbsion of calcium from the body. As a result of research, it is established that such elements exist.

Key words: antifood, antagistic elements, rabbit, Mg, Zn, ration, meal.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Summary. A correlation was established between thyroid hormone levels, tumor tissue progression and thymus weight of experimental animals with an implanted color adenocarcinoma tumor (ACATOL). The study shows the role of thyroid hormones in the regulation of the proliferation of the expremental tumor of ACATOL and the activation of the immune system f the organism that has undergone a carcinogenic attack. 

Key words:  thymus involution, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, adenocarcinoma of the large intestine.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Abstract: At the present time, sport has become a very important factor in human development. Experts study sports as a science. In this article, the sports form is analyzed during a one-year training cycle. The values and characteristics of the athletic form and training of athletes as an important factor of sport are studied.

Key words: sports form, training, annual cycle, periods.

Branch of science: Physical education and sport
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Summary: The article presents the current problems and the development of sports in children and adolescents. During this period of human life have any physiological changes in the body. The paper studied some biological characteristics of children 13-15 years of age and adolescents 16-18 years. Those who play sports have heart rate and respiratory rates positively, and those children are not involved in sports, these figures are low.       

Key words: arrhythmia, heart rate, spirometry, breath, organism individuality.

Branch of science: Physical education and sport
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Summary: Karakul sheep grazing in pastures higher productivity is developing normally and this is reflected in the biochemical composition of the blood of sheep. In this study the effect on us environmental and pasture condition as reflected in the productivity and physiological and biochemical parameters of blood Karakul sheep.

Key Words: Karakul sheep, environmental factors, blood biochemistry, productivity

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Summary: The article presents the findings of the morphological analysis of the regional lymph nodes showed that the activation of the immune defense of the body in response to the development of carcinogenesis is observed only in the simulation condition of hyperthyroidism and in tumor-bearing animals with no effects.

Keywords: AKATOL, carcinogenesis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, tumor, spleen, lymph nodes.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Abstract:  In this article  considered the connection  of thinking style and methodology of postnonclassical science.Referred to the new scientific currents: synergetics, cyclology, nanoscience, global evolutionism, virtualistics which played a major role in the emergence of postnonclassical philosophy. Due to the paradigmatic innovations in science explained the method of postnonclassical scientific thinking.

Key words: methodology, style of thinking, science, postnonclassical science, personal knowledge, proliferation, method, self-organization, paradigm.

Branch of science: Philosophy
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Abstract: In article problems self-organization of the person from the point of view of synergetic are considered. The synergetic as one of elements of this informative complex can take in it various place depending on the purposes and research problems, supplementing ideas of object of research with new parameters and representations.

Keywords: Self-organization of the person, synergetic, personality, bifurcation, fluctuation and haos. 

Branch of science: Philosophy
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Summary: The paper presents experimental data on the study of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism under kantserogenza in mice BALB / c.

Key words: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, carcinogenesis, thyroxine metabolism.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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Summary: Article presents the results of long-term observations for the study of the productivity of natural pastures located in areas of mountainous and foothill areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also presented and interpreted in terms of productivity and material changes in the amount of nutrients, as well as the nutritional value of pasture forages under the influence of climatic factors and the seasons of the year.     

Кey words: Karakul sheep, nutrition, pasture, chemical, botanical composition of pasture grass.

Branch of science: Biological sciences
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