Kazakh-British Technical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the problem connected with the widespread notion that the participation the CFA examination is something like wasting time in idleness. The primary goal of this research work is to identify if there is a positive correlation between the participation in the exam and job prospects. Keeping this ambitious goal in mind, representative data is gathered and studied for the existence of a positive correlation between people, who pass the CFA examination and job prospects or so called “job satisfaction”.

Regression equations offer analyses that are constructed to help to calculate the regression coefficients. The regression coefficient was compared to the regression equation, which is based on the income level and satisfaction level of people who pass the exam and the alternative regression coefficient of the regression equation of those who have MBA degree. Analysis is done by conducting different hypothesis tests, regression analysis and other statistical procedures.

Key words: CFA, regression, examination, job prospects, job opportunity, income, MBA, statistics.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: Every days thousands of new malware signatures are detected and this number is only growing. Intrusion based security products have become ineffective. This paper talks about new micro-virtualization technology which aimed to secure computers from undefeateble attacks and stop the malware.

Keywords: security, microvisor, micro-virtualization, malware.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: The article studies a Systems Dynamics model for capturing the main interactions involved in the subprime mortgage crisis. The model provides two subsystems interconnection that related to each other relatively banking asset flow and house market. The differential equations are analyzed and simulated using Vensim PLE simulation software, which brings to the discussion of results.

Key words: system dynamics, financial crisis, subprime mortgage crisis.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: This work describes the problem of map contraction and a robot localization using sensor data and data from a group of other robots. This methodology is called SLAM or CML, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping or Concurrent Mapping and Localization, respectively.

SLAM solves problems connected with building a map of an unknown environment by a mobile robot while at the same time navigating the environment using the map.

SLAM comprises of multiple parts: landmark extraction, data association, state estimation, state update and landmark update. Each part can be performed in different ways. As the robot has sensors on one height from the ground, we will get 2D map [1].

Key words: SLAM, computer simulation, robot.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: The paper applies information technology and mathematical modeling to examine the epidemiological characteristics of a large-scale problem, known as antimicrobial resistance. It describes a mathematical model constructed to emulate the process of spread of resistant bacteria in a hospital environment using system dynamics. The model includes several key parameters such as the contact rate between the members of different observed groups, the rate of treatment with antibiotic drugs and others.

Key words: system dynamics, computer simulation, antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic resistance.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary:  The operating system takes one of two variants when solving any memory management problem. The first variant is dividing things into variable-sized pieces and it is called segmentation. It has inherent difficulties, when dividing a space into different-size chunks. The second variant to divide space into fixed-sized pieces and it is called paging. It may be worth considering the second variant and system that uses this variant called paged systems. The choice of the data structure for paged systems significantly effects on the performance of paged systems. In this paper, as a data structure we take Inverted Page Table (IPT), which optimizes parameters as a size of memory occupied by the page table and the time to transformation virtual address into physical address.

Key words: Inverted Page Table (IPT), virtual memory.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: The article studies a mathematical model for understanding the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in hospital. The model provides division of the population on three different groups relatively to the susceptible and resistant strains of a hypothetical bacteria and corresponding antibiotic drug. The differential equations are analyzed and simulated using AnyLogic 7 simulation software, which brings to the discussion of results.

Key words: system dynamics, computer simulation, antimicrobial resistance.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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