Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Annotation. The author examines the importance of formal professional code of ethics when developing audit profession within one country.

Keywords: Fuditor ethics, recognition and acceptance of the responsibility, objectivity, confidentiality, professional behavior.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: The endless global crisis which is continuing to have enormous effects in many economies, in particular  in the EU, open a wide debate regarding  the necessity to rethink our economic model based on the paradigm “take-make-dispose”, in order to garantee a stable,efficient ans sustanable growth. The new model individuated is that of “circular economy” based on the paradigm of reuse the existing resources by closing  the production loop.

Such model will garantee saving  of resources, economic growth, reduction of negative externalities and inderectily geoeconomic and geopolitic stability.

Keywords: Circular economy – linear economy – resources – EU – Russia – new industrial revolution – economic growth – value creation – GDP – closing the loop – efficiency – price volatility – externalities – finance.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, December 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XІV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, November 29, 2016)

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XІV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, November 29, 2016)

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Summary:There are questions of legal regulation of payment customs duties deal in the work. We discuss the procedure for payment of duties and taxes. This work established the person responsible for payment of duties and taxes in the application of customs procedures and separate customs regimes.

Keywords: customs duties, the obligation to pay customs payment, customs duties and taxes, the declarant.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of IX International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, June 29, 2016)

Branch of science: Of social science
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Actual problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of VІ International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv - St.Petersburg - ViennaJune 30, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of VІІI International scientific-practical conference (Moscow - Astana - Kharkiv - Vienna, May 30, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of VI International scientific-practical conference (St.Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, April 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation. The article describes the main stages of the credit programs and quantitative easing implemented by the Fed during the development of the global economic crisis in 2007-2012. The shown are the most significant negative trends that emerged during the implementation of the quantitative easing program. Proposals to minimize the risks for the real economy, the payment system and deposits of the population, associated with the unstable state of the financial sector.

Keywords: Federal Reserve System, FED, quantitative easing, credit easing, derivative financial instruments, Federal Debt Held by the Public.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary: Practical approach to avoid mistakes when translating «familiar words»

Key words: meaning, misunderstanding, essential.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Summary: The examples given aim at developing skills in professional communication using a foreign language.

Key words: motivation, presentations, professional communication.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Abstract. The geopolitical events influece the choices that a Country makes in order to establish its strategic route as well it could influece the route of somebody else.

Russia as one of leading Country in gas and oil supply had to cope during the last year a multilevel crisis, the first political that is the “Ucranian crisis” the second more of economical-­‐financial character namely the oil price collapse and at last the military interventantion in Syria and the following diplomatic crisis with Turkey, but all tied in somehow to each other.

Surely all these aspects have constrapted Russia to increase its speed versus a reorietation of energetic supply policy in which new actors will play a key role as recipients in Asia resizing the position of coutries such as EU’s members and former URSS countries. Such reorganization should not be seen as a result of the events above but has its source in document published by the Ministry of Energy of RF in the begining of 2014 named Russian Energy Strategy 2035 that represent a draft of the new energy strategy of the next two decades in which was already evident the change of course torwards new horizons.

By this paper we want to analize the reasons that have conduct towards this new path and clarify the main development aspects that will involve the national as  well as new partners economy.

Keywords. Russia – energy strategy – China – economic development – strategy 2035 – South Stream – North Stream – EU’s energy Strategy – shale gas – Turkey Stream – gas war. 

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract. In EU there are many the debates opened about the current crisis, first of all because what the EU is living during the last 7 can be defined as the longest and the most bundersome economical crisis of the last 100 years.

All the debates are focused on solutions without any critical analysis on the factors that had provocated such event; in such scenario we find first and foremost a clear division in two schools of thought, ascetics and critics of austerity.

By this paper we would analize critically the case of Latvia which is a particular case of post crisis recovering due to the adoption of policies such as fiscal consolidation and internal devaluation that according the mainstream economic lecterature represent a great pattern of recovering by austerity. But studing more deeply such case we could easily say that the effectiveness of the “success story” seems far from obvious.

Key words: Latvia; EU’s crisis; austrity; devaluation; fiscal consolidation; post-­‐soviet economy; market economy; euro; wage; productivity; growth.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: Financial management of the individual entrepreneur’s capital are actually in nowadays. They have to deal with the challenge of the investing source their money.

Keywords: individual entrepreneur, investing, deposit, financial management of the capital.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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