Pryazovskyi State Technical University (Mariupol, Ukraine)

Scientific research: the paradigm of innovative development: Abstracts of reports of the ХІІІ International scientific conference (Prague, Czech Republic, December 29, 2022)

Branch of science: Philology
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Scientific research: the paradigm of innovative development: Abstracts of reports of the ХІІ International scientific conference (Prague, Czech Republic, September 28, 2022)

Branch of science: Philology
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Коростова І. О., Самофалов М. В. Інфраструктура ринку екологічно чистих товарів промислового виробництва // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2021. - №6.

Branch of science: -Marketing
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Ткачук К. В. Засоби визначення ваги елементів стрілової системи портальних кранів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2021. — №7. 

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Science and Global Studies: Abstracts of reports of the VІІ International Scientific Conference (Prague, Czech Republic, April 15, 2021)

Branch of science: -Marketing
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Лапіна М. Д., Васильєв Д. О. Соціальна безпека в професійній діяльності соціальних працівників // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2020. — №8.

Branch of science: Of social science
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Ткачук К. В. Застосування енергозбережувальних технологій при створенні перевантажувальних комплексів підвищеної експлуатаційної надійності // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2020. — №5.​

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Вотякова М. О., Сорокіна М. Є. Дистанційне навчання іноземної мови і математики // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2018. — №10.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Sorokina M., Rude А. Application of interactive internet tools for developing students’ professional communication skills at teaching English // International scientific journal "Internauka". — 2018. — №10.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance: Abstracts of ХІ International scientific-practical Conference (Kyiv-Budapest-Vienna, September 29, 2017)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary: For the first time in modern Ukrainian humanistics the attempt is made to compare Mikhal’ Semenko’s artistic orientation as a founder of Ukrainian futuristic model with changes in aesthetics development paradigm occurred at the beginning of the XX century. Based on existing periodization in aesthetics history, the turn of XIX–XX centuries is represented as a period of changes from postclassical aesthetics to neoclassical one. It is shown that identity of M. Semenko’s poetry was formed alongside the process of new aesthetics grounds formation, which stipulated originality of both European and Ukrainian avant-garde movement. It is emphasized that formation of neoclassical stage in aesthetics theory development (including fascination in creative work psychology as its attribute, unlocking creativity of  art landscape specific character, attempts to reveal creative process psychological motifs) stimulated interest in creator’s personality, as well as avant-garde art experimental character.

Key words: Ukrainian futuristic model, neoclassical aesthetics, conceptual framework, creative work, art.

Branch of science: Culture
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XІV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, November 29, 2016)

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Actual problems of the economy and finances: abstracts of the II International scientific and practical conference (Kyiv-St. Petersburg-Vienna, April 29, 2015).

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Научный диспут:вопросы экономики и финансов: тезисы докладов Международной научно-практической конференции (Киев-Будапешт-Вена, 20 ноября 2014 г.). – Киев-Будапешт-Вена, 2014.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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