ВУЗ / Место работы:
Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)

Your Locality:
Mukachevo, Ukraine

Number of publications: 13

Щербан Т. Д., Щербан Г. В. Психологічні особливості спілкування та реагування у конфліктних ситуаціях у системі професійного навчання // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2019. — №12. 

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XLІІІ International scientific-practical conference (Kharkiv - Vienna - Berlin, July 30, 2019)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of ХХV International scientific-practical conference (Moscow - Astana - Kharkiv - Vienna, December 28, 2017)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Щербан Т. Д., Щербан Г. В., Михайлова К. В. Проблема формування уявлення учителів про себе і самосвідомість // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2017. — №17.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of ХХІV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kiev - Vienna, November 29, 2017)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Щербан Т. Д., Щербан Г. В., Волошин Н. П. Художній образ у навчальній взаємодії // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2017. — №16.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Щербан Г. В. Проблеми професійного становлення вчителя // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2017. — №8.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XVІ International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, January 30, 2017)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Summary: The process of solving educational problems by a teacher has been considered in the article; the state of readiness of teachers to solving educational problems has been analyzed; the difficulties of teachers beginners have been singled out. It has been proved that achieving educational goals is only possible through the mastery of teachers during their professional development by integrated ability to solve educational problems.

Keywords: educational task, pedagogical task, willingness to solve educational problems, ability to solve the educational problem, professional formation.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XV International scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, December 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of VI International scientific-practical conference (St.Petersburg - Astana - Kyiv - Vienna, April 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Summary: Psychological features of formation of teachers understanding of a schoolchild’s personality has been examined in the present study. The results of the experiment on respondents reflection of own system of evaluation criteria and the perception of another person, their rethinking and adjustment based on psychological and educational theory; mastery of skills cognition of partners in communication; clarifying of own "implicit concept of personality", in the light of which the other people are assessed and relationships with them are built.

Keywords: reflection, evaluation criteria, perception, implicit concept of personality.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of IV International scientific-practical conference (Moscow-Budapest-Vienna, December 29, 2015)

Branch of science: Psychological science
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