Your Locality:
Dnipro, Ukraine

Number of publications: 3

Демчук Н. І., Ткаліч О. В., Петренко Т. С. Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку інвестиційної діяльності в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2019. — №13. 

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: In the article the theoretical aspects of finance companies by the example of the agricultural enterprises. The main features of the finance industry.

Keywords: finance, economy, industry, financial resources, agricultural enterprise, seasonality, working capital.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Abstract: The article investigates the theoretical aspects of the cash position and the mandatory reserves of commercial banks.

Keywords: monetary position, commercial bank required reserves, banking, financial institution liquidity reserve ratio, risk, cash flow.


Branch of science: Economic sciences
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