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Kyiv, Ukraine

Number of publications: 2

Соколовська І. О., Дьяченко Є. В. Шляхи покращення харчової цінності білкових кремів для борошняних кондитерських виробів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2018. — №4. 

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Resume. One of the solutions of excessive use of sugar problem suggested a decrease in its concentration in the manufacture of egg-white creams for cakes and pastries. Article shows the research results of sorption processes that occur in the egg-white foams and sugar reduced creams during storage. It was found that the introduction of complex of structurants increase the sorption capacity of egg-white foams. The resulting creams do not show fundamental differences in moisture exchange in comparison with traditional cream.

Key words: egg-white cream, sugar reduced, complex of structurants, storage, sorption processes.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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