ВУЗ / Место работы:
Andijan Agricultural institute (Andijan, Uzbekistan)

Your Locality:
Andijan, Uzbekistan

Number of publications: 3

Комилов К. С., Комилова Д. К., Алижонова Г. А., Собиров С. Т., Мамадалиев Ж .Ш. Влияние обработки и орошения рядов на корневую систему растений // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №1.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Сулаймонов И. Ж., Комилова Д. К., Собиров С. Т., Солижонов Ш. З., Абдуқодиров Х. В. Повторное выращивание семян сахарной свеклы зависит от посева посадки саженцев // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №1.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Summary: For the first time in a bright sierozems on cotton crops scientifically proved the effectiveness of differentiated depth of inter-row cultivation on the background of irrigation regimes 70-70-60% of the HB and put into production. Carrying loosening between rows at a depth of 23-25 cm before thinning plants, the provost of the international processing to a depth of 17-18 cm, and the next -14-16 cm had a positive effect on water-physical properties of soil development and fruiting, helped increase productivity and improve the quality of cotton fiber - raw.

Key words: deep processing of cotton row spacing, irrigation regime, agro physical and agrochemical properties of the soil, growth, development, root system, yield.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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