Your Locality:
Kam'yanske, Ukraine

Number of publications: 4

Коваленко О. В., Коваленко А. Є. Удосконалення управління матеріально-технічним забезпеченням промислового підприємства // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2019. - №11.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Annotation: In the article the negative impact of higher transmission and consumption of reactive power, proved feasibility reactive power compensation in load. According to the research, the mechanism of compensation based on synchronous motors with feedback on the system cos φ control current winding.

Key words: reactive power, power loss, synchronous motor, static compensator, network load, power factor induction motor.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Annotation: The article suggests dynamic mechanical model allows to simulate dynamic processes start and "pounced" load on the shaft of the induction motor, as well as to determine the starting points in the various laws regulating the speed of automatic control systems.

Key words: asynchronous motor, simulation, mechanical characteristic, voltage, frequency, engine idling, starting torques.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary. In article, on the basis of the analysis of the existing light sources used in industrial, civil and in household rooms, characteristics of modern luminescent lamps of low pressure with electronic input-regulate devices are investigated.

Key words: light, illumination, fluorescent lamps, man, ultrasound.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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