ВУЗ / Место работы:
Baku State University (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Your Locality:
Baku, Azerbaijan

Number of publications: 1

Summaru. Khatib Tabrizi was one of the most outstanding representatives of the linguistic and literary science of the XI century, both in Azerbaijan and the all Arab East. In the history of literary science he is known as a disciple of the great Arab poet-philosopher  Abu Ala al-Maari.

Khatib Tabrizi was one of the most outstanding representatives of the linguistic and literary science of the XI century, both in Azerbaijan and the all Arab East. In the history of literary science he is known as a disciple of the great Arab poet-philosopher Abu Ala al-Maari.

His comments on the works of the famous medieval poets as Abu Tammam «الحماسة», al-Mufaddal ad-Dhabi «المفضليات», Abu Ala al-Maari «سقط الزند» and on the work of the pre-Islamic poets «شرح القصائد العاشر», was highly appreciated by specialists. As no less valuable linguistic works of the outstanding philologist. اعراب القرآن «The decline in the Qur'an», كتاب الالفاظ «Book of words», المقدمات في النحو «Brief information on nahv», لمع في النحو «Summary of grammar", etc.

One of the most well-known linguistic research of Khatib Tabrizi is his comment to the treatise of Ibn al-Sikkit (803 - 859) "Corrections of language» (إصلاح المنطق), named by the author "The Book of improving correction of language» (كتاب تهذيب إصلاح المنطق), in which the author tried to clarify obscure points of the book of the great linguist. In this article the issue of words with hamzah in above mentioned treatise was scrutinized, some paradigms were provided as an example. [10, с. 421]

Key words: Arabic language, linguistics, lexicology, treatise, philologist.

Branch of science: Philology
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