Your Locality:
Mariupol, Ukraine

Number of publications: 1

Summary: For the first time in modern Ukrainian humanistics the attempt is made to compare Mikhal’ Semenko’s artistic orientation as a founder of Ukrainian futuristic model with changes in aesthetics development paradigm occurred at the beginning of the XX century. Based on existing periodization in aesthetics history, the turn of XIX–XX centuries is represented as a period of changes from postclassical aesthetics to neoclassical one. It is shown that identity of M. Semenko’s poetry was formed alongside the process of new aesthetics grounds formation, which stipulated originality of both European and Ukrainian avant-garde movement. It is emphasized that formation of neoclassical stage in aesthetics theory development (including fascination in creative work psychology as its attribute, unlocking creativity of  art landscape specific character, attempts to reveal creative process psychological motifs) stimulated interest in creator’s personality, as well as avant-garde art experimental character.

Key words: Ukrainian futuristic model, neoclassical aesthetics, conceptual framework, creative work, art.

Branch of science: Culture
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