Abstract: This article is about integrating culture into foreign language teaching and some reasons, some approaches to teaching culture.
Key phrases: Sociocultural norms, assumptions, a “facts only” approach, a frame of reference, a culture capsule, culture clusters, intercultural connections, culture assimilations, culture mini-dramas, strategies, techniques.
Summary: This article poses the question: Why are children facile language learners? Examined in the light of Lenneberg’s theory, children’s facility with language can be explained as stemming from children’s genetic predisposition for language learning.
Key words: Language learning, theoretical, psycholinguists, behavior, language acquisition.
Summary: This article is dedicated to one of the controversial issues of modern anatomy - the issue of the participation of the trigeminal nerve innervation of the external muscles of the eye. Conducted by the author morphometric and experimental studies have shown that in the oculomotor nerve fibers is not sensitive to external eye muscles. This is confirmed by the absence of degeneration of sensory endings in those muscles by cutting the root of the trigeminal nerve in the rat. As a result, the author presented alternative scheme of the functional anatomy of the trigeminal nerve. However, the study has led to the need to raise the question of change in the classification of sensitivity, which would distinguish morphologically and functionally disparate devices innervation of muscle, teeth, periodontal dura.
Key words: trigeminal nerve, the trigeminal node branch of the trigeminal nerve, anatomy, proprioceptive sensitivity, proprioceptive innervation, external muscles of the eye.
Summary: On the base of ontogeny it was revealed the structure of 7 cenotic populations of Stipa aktauensis Roshev, which is growing on remote mountains of Kuldzhuktau, Auminzatau, Muruntau, Tamdytau, Aktau (Kyzylkum desert). All investigated coenopopulations are normal, but most of them are not complete. The ontogenetic structure studied coenopopulation (CP) of Stipa aktauensis are different: varied: they were central (CP 1, 5 and 7), left-side (CP 3, 4 and 6) and the right-side (CP 2).
Keywords: coenopopulation, ontogenetic structure, remote mountains.
Summary: Agrotechnics cotton varies depending on weather conditions, soil types and their structure. A rational system of farming during the development of cotton as established, but some of its elements continues to attract the attention of both scientists and practitioners.
Key words: cotton, hundredweight, hectare, crop, seeds, sowing, harvesting, watering, soil, fiber.
Summary: The theoretical aspects of profitable enterprises and ways to increase.
Key words: profit, backlogs, enterprise, business activities.
Summary: The economic nature of bankruptcy and investigated and systematized strategic directions overcome and prevent bankruptcy in the current dynamic economic conditions.
Keywords: bankruptcy, insolvency, financial reorganization, re-engineering, economic security, controlling, early warning system and response, crisis management measures for financial stabilization.
Summary: The theoretical aspects of psychology of risk in business.
Key words: risk, psychology, business activities.
Summary. In the article the author shows that a tax credit, for all intents and purposes, corresponds to such economic and legal instrument as a tax benefit, in particular, a tax discount, and from the viewpoint of the theory of authority it constitutes an agreed tax right.
Key words: tax credit, value added tax administration, tax discount, tax benefit.
Annotation. The purpose of this article is to investigate the issue of psychological peculiarities of pedagogical interaction. The article presents the results of empirical study of life prospects for youth, which are influenced by anxiety, reflexivity, self-concept and value orientations.
Key words: life prospects, value orientations, self-concept, reflexivity.
Annotation. The purpose of this article is to investigate the issue of psychological peculiarities of pedagogical interaction. The article presents the results of empirical investigation of the personality traits connected with the peculiarities of self-identification as well as interaction in pedagogical process.
Key words: pedagogical interaction, value orientations, school anxiety, professional burnout.
Abstract: The authors researched the phases of Ukrainian economy’s shadowization. The level of Ukraine’s shadow economy has been analyzed. The most «shadowed» sectors of Ukraine’s economy have been show. The main terms of the Ukrainian economy’s de-shadowization have been defined.
Key words: shadow economy, shadowization phases, Ukrainian economy, shadow sector, shadow economy proportion.
Аннотация: Значение инвестиций в формирование и развитие человеческого капитала как ключевого ресурса экономики, общественного развития только усиливается на фоне роста зависимости бизнеса, конкурентоспособности от качества привлекаемого человеческого интеллектуального капитала. Какие экономические и социальные результаты получают и с какой целью основные участники таких инвестиций – важный вопрос, позволяющий определять причины успешного или недостаточного взаимодействия государства, бизнеса и самого человека, и давать рекомендации по оптимизации инвестиций и стратегии по их вложениям в масштабах региона.
Ключевые слова: человеческий капитал, интеллектуальный капитал, экономический эффект, социальный эффект, инвестиционная стратегия.
Summary: This article deals with the importance and benefits of using communicative games in teaching foreign languages to young learners.
Key words: young learners, short attention spans, communicative techniques, competitive games, cooperative games, linguistic games, communicative games, a non-threatening way, skills of initiative, problem-solving, self-awareness, working cooperatively in teams.
Summary: The approach to the solving the problem of asynchronism between the natural-science and bible chronology is planned, using the model of multicomponent time.
Key words: multicomponent time, hierarchy of organisms, chronology, asynchronism.
Summary: In this article, it informed about examples of oral communicative activities and their efficiency in teaching English.
Key phrases: To provoke spoken communication; reach a consensus; discussion; communication games; stage; role plays; simulation.
Summary: The author opens an essence of the concepts in the context of the all-educational purposes of the principles of teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is also given classroom implications in this article.
Key words: Communicative competence; principle; conscious approach; automaticity; meaningful learning; anticipation of reward; intrinsic motivation.
Summary. The global process of globalization and integration of cultures surely shows its own influence to the cultures of all countries and to the literatures. The main position of national literature in this process is to protect its image and national belonging. In this process we trust in our talents which have worthy, unique, higher creativity potential, to take a place in our rich literary heritage and millennial literature legacy in modern period.
Key words: globalization, integration, national literature, literary process.
Summary: It is carried out the analysis of a state and the prospects of development of renewables in Uzbekistan.
Key words: energy resource, renewable, technology, potential.
Summary: The theory and practice of non-stationary thermal regime of the regular methods for the determination of thermal characteristics of particulate materials to be dried. The conditions for the rational use of such methods.
Key words: heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, drying.