Summary: In this paper, method is offered enabling reduction of resolving system of heterogeneous partial-derivative differential equations of the sixteenth order within the variant of mathematical theory of non-thin shallow shells to the differential equations of the second and fourth orders. A method is used of geometrical parameters perturbation and symbolical method.
Keywords: variant of mathematical theory, non-thin shallow shell, system of heterogeneous partial-derivative differential equations, method of perturbations, operator.
Summary: In the article the ways of economic analysis in the modern world. The main directions of economic efficiency analysis in the modern world.
Key words: economic analysis, economics, innovation and economic development.
Abstract: The theoretical and practical aspects of the creative abilities of the teacher in educational work with preschool children.
Keywords: teacher, art, creativity, art educator.
Summary: This article discusses the theoretical aspects of segmental analysis, segment reports; defines the role of segmental analysis of activity of the company. The author gives a definition of segmental analysis, segmental reporting; his influence on the company. Article is relevant because, segmental analysis insufficiently known and require a more detailed review.
Key words: segmental analysis, segmental report, a business segment, kinds of segmental analysis.
Summary: The article deals with the problem of researches of chronotope, especially in fairytales. The concepts of “fairytale”, “literary fairytale”, “chronotope” are determined. Specific features of chronotope in folk and literary fairytales on the base of Ukrainian works are defined.
Key words: fairytale, literary fairytale, folk fairytale, chronotope.
Аnnotation: One approach to solving the problem of optimal control of the movement of the handling robot for a given geometric path involves partitioning the problem into two stages. The first is carried out real-time formation of optimal trajectories specified criteria for each degree of mobility as a function of time, provide a working body of the manipulator motion for a given geometric path with optimum speed. The second stage takes place in real time tracking formed in the first phase trajectories. The following describes the method of formation of the optimal trajectories with dependent constraints manipulator state in the emerging forces and moments, and depending on the configuration of the manipulator restrictions on the movement speed in degrees of mobility. In contrast to the known algorithms proposed approach does not require the submission of a given geometric path in parametric form, and allows her to specify the sequence of points.
Keywords: trajectory, manipulator , movement.
Summary:There are questions of legal regulation of payment customs duties deal in the work. We discuss the procedure for payment of duties and taxes. This work established the person responsible for payment of duties and taxes in the application of customs procedures and separate customs regimes.
Keywords: customs duties, the obligation to pay customs payment, customs duties and taxes, the declarant.
Summary: In article on a number of examples of milestone events it is shown that the so-called unknown flying objects actually represent the specific electromagnetic high-intense objects created under the influence of wave space resonances.
Keywords: kosmo-terrestrial communications; the unknown flying objects; wave space resonances.
Summary: In article from positions of the "space wave electromagnetic resonant concept" developed by authors the kosmofizichesky nature of a phenomenon of UFO is opened.
Keywords: the unknown flying objects; kosmo-terrestrial communications; space resonant cycles.
Summary: It is shown that seismo-volcanic processes have the geocosmic nature. Space electromagnetic indignations make powerful impact on these processes, acting as their direct responsible, catalysts or trigger mechanisms.
Keywords: earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, wave space electromagnetic resonances.
Summary: explore alternative methods of a multimodal anesthesia anetsezii in patients undergoing surgery of high trauma to the digestive tract
Keywords: pain; electroanalgesia; nefopam.
Summary: Alternative approaches to qualitative analysis in technological prediction and subsequent cognitive modeling of research object were suggested in the article; cognitive map structural stabilization procedure was improved by applying fuzzy set theory.
Key words: technological prediction, cognitive modeling, cognitive map, structural stability.
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the problem of forecasting financial expenses for insurance claims. We consider the forecasting methods and models. The algorithm prediction based on autoregressive time series. The paper considered by the autoregression model, autoregression model with moving average and autoregression model with trend. In consequence of research, information-analytic system for forecasting financial processes was built.
Keywords: time series, autoregression, trend, forecast, modelling, financial process, moving average.
Summary: the method of synthesis of a discontinuous field-oriented control of asynchronous electric c multidimensional sliding modes the method of synthesis of a discontinuous field oriented control of asynchronous electric drive.
Key words: synthesis, mathematical model, algorithm, controller, control circuit, vector control, orientation, coordinate the basis, sliding mode, "equivalent" management.
Abstract. This paper investigated the effectiveness of the classical methods of artificial intelligence to solve system problems of classification and identification of danger situations.
Keywords: systems analysis, artificial intelligence, danger situation.
Summary: some of methods of part-of-speech tagging were investigated and compared.
Key words: part-of-speech tagging, Viterbi algorithm, Hidden Markov model, Maximum-entropy Markov model.
Annotation: This article is devoted to developing software model algorithm of implementation schedule of training sessions.
Key words: formation of schedule, programming model, architecture of the application.
Abstract: The means of identification GUI spent their comparative analysis, and determined the best way, in the above context, to implement the appropriate software.
Keywords: computer vision, graphical user interface, GUI recognition, test automation, analiser development.
Summary: The problems of ensuring business continuity in the enterprise are investigated. Two main strategies and solutions to ensure business continuity identified. Indicators of business continuity assessment identified. Influence of selected strategies and solutions to value business continuity indicators analyzed.
Keywords: information security, business continuity, backup, information system, recovery, business process.