Summary: we consider the different types of software that allow to make calculations for engineering and mathematical problems. Their strengths and weaknesses explored.
Key words: mathematics editor, finite elements method, engineering modeling.
Summary: Spirituality is the basis of human's inner world, the foundation of productive development and the achievement of acme. This article will attempt to clarify the role and place of the spiritual sphere and its concrete components in the life of the individual in the context of the fundamental principles of personal and social life. It considered the role of spiritual freedom, cognition, outlook, spiritual needs, religion and love in the development of personal spiritual transformations etc.
Key words: spirituality, personality, value, spiritual potential, outlook, sense of life, religion, spiritual activity, freedom, love, components of personal spirituality, noesis.
Abstract. The problems of communication in education have been considered in the article. The development of communicative competence is based on the process of solving professional tasks. The trend towards a conversational style of communication ensures the success of professional formation of the student has been proved.
Keywords: educational communication, communicative competence, professional development, professional success.
Summary: In theoretical aspect the article considers the modern trends of formation of communicative culture of the society, presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers.
Key words: communicative culture, information and communicative space, virtualization, telecommunication networks.
Abstract. A comparative study of the dynamics of increase in the longitudinal size and body mass in healthy newborns (848 people). in children with asymmetric intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR, 886 people)., who at the time of birth to the term body weight was below the norm by 22% in 28 patients with cerebral palsy, and in 30 patients with congenital lag in the growth of one of the lower extremities. In subsequent years, the rate of longitudinal growth of the body in patients of all groups did not differ from the norm, whereas IUGR observed slowdown in the pace of weight gain and head circumference of 1-2 cm, as well as indicators of functional maturation of children. After 6 years after the birth of children with consequences of IUGR main indicators of mental development close to those of healthy peers. The incidence and severity of IUGR increases at deterioration of the economic situation of the region's population , while reducing the systemic blood pressure in women. Revealed a genetic predisposition to the appearance of this pathology.
Keywords: newborns, body length, anthropometry, abnormal development.
Annotation. Stand presented hygienic justification for the development of water supply schemes and improving the quality of drinking water , the comparative sanitary- hygienic characteristics of the water quality of water bodies and water tap in Surkhandarya , Khorezm regions and the whole country .
Keywords: quality of drinking water , hygienic substantiation to the schemes of water supply , security , prevention of infectious diseases.
Аннотация: в статье раскрыты особенности политико-управленческого лидерства в системе исполнительной власти, определены конституционные основы политико-управленческого лидерства в системе исполнительной власти Украины, особенности назначения членов правительства Украины на разных этапах развития государства, выявлены проблемные моменты современного политико-управленческого лидерства в системе исполнительной власти Украины.
Ключевые слова: лидерство, политическое лидерство, политико-управленческое лидерство, особенности лидерства в системе исполнительной власти, конституционные принципы, назначения.
Annotation. The article describes the main stages of the credit programs and quantitative easing implemented by the Fed during the development of the global economic crisis in 2007-2012. The shown are the most significant negative trends that emerged during the implementation of the quantitative easing program. Proposals to minimize the risks for the real economy, the payment system and deposits of the population, associated with the unstable state of the financial sector.
Keywords: Federal Reserve System, FED, quantitative easing, credit easing, derivative financial instruments, Federal Debt Held by the Public.
Annotation. The material provides data on toxicological and hygienic assessment new cotton defoliant "UzDEF-K." It was found that the preparat is a low-hazard compound belongs to IV class of danger. Designed hygienic standards in the environment and food products (MPC in water bodies of water , in the air of the working area and the atmosphere air; MRLs in food, soil UEC ) . Science-based regulations of safe use of the drug in the agrifarms - sanitary protection zone, time-to-work.
Keywords: pesticide, hygienic standard, defoliant " UzDEF-K", the environment, water, air, soil, food products.
Summary: By consideration of a number of outstanding examples it is shown that wave space resonances are the prime cause of solar and geomagnetic storms and power accidents.
Keywords: space resonant meta-cycles; solar flashes; geomagnetic storms; power accidents.
Аннотация: мақала бүгіндегі Жердің мұнай өнімдерімен ластануына арналған. Мақалада топырақтың құнарлы қабатының мұнаймен ластануы, оның салдары, биологиялық жолмен қайта рекультивациялау жолдары, биосурфактанттардың әсері жайлы баяндалған.
Ключевые слова: мұнаймен ластану, биосурфактанттар, көмірсутектер, биоыдырағыштық.
Summary: Researched and analyzed major works Vilen Gorsky and their influence on the development of modern research of Ukrainian philosophy.
Key words: historical and philosophical Ukrainian studies, history of philosophy, methodology of philosophical studies.
Summary: Investigated the scope and basic implementation of Big Data technologies and Internet of Things, their benefits.
Key words: Big Data, Internet of Things, Hadoop, sensors.
The article analyzes the general criteria of image building on the example of leading presenter "TSN" Natalia Moseychu.
Summary: In the article the basic directions of optimization of the tax burden for cargo motor transport enterprises.
Key words: taxation, tax management, taxes, transport companies.
Summary: The article discusses professional education as a structural element of professional orientation of students of educational institutions in Ukraine. The article reveals the essence, purpose and importance of professional education as a core component in professional orientation with pupils of high school. The author pays attention to organizational aspects of work with young students in professional education in the conditions of the educational process.
Keywords: professional education, professional information, professional advocacy, professional promotion, vocational guidance.
Summary: Image segmentation is central problem of image processing. This paper presents mathematical models using elementary and plain objects in image-based processing in contour analysis developed by the author. In the models, an image object is treated as the equivalent of its boundary and an image object’s closed contours decomposition set definition is proposed. An analytical solution was obtained, which was then applied in the analysis of a specific image object.
Keywords: image segmentation, contour analysis, image object.
Abstract: At the present time, technology is not standing still, pollinate plants soon will robots helping ordinary bees.
Keywords: robot, bee pollination, orientation, position.
Summary: The solution of the problem of stresses distribution in shells made of composite material with opening is given. The finite elements method was used. The influence of transversal shear on the stress concentration in the cylindrical transversely isotropic shell with circular opening was investigated.
Key words: stress, shell with circular opening, finite elements method.