Summary. The clinical features and associated symptoms of post-traumatic mental disorders in combatants were investigated.
Keywords: post-traumatic mental disorders, adjustment disorders, participants of ATO, clinical features.
Annotasiya. Dəniz (duzlu, mineral) suyunun parçalanması və yanacaq qazının (təqribən 85% hidrogen,oksigen ≤ 5%) alınmasının qeyri-стандарт elektroliz yolu ilə yeni texnologiyası təklif olunur. Anod çoxbucaqlı, katod isə ox şəklində yaradılır. Anod və katod xüsusi ayrıcı lent vasitəsi ilə bir-birindən izolə edilir və bağlı sistem şəklində birgə işlədilirlər. Sistem dayanıqlı güc mənbəyi ilə gərginliklə birləşdirirlər, sonra isə sabit elektrik cərəyanının təsiri altında dəniz suyu parçalanır, və su qazlara parçalanır, nəticədə qaz alınır və suyun qaynamasına xeyli qalmış (təqribən 25-700С temperaturda) alınan qaz yanır.
Açar sözlər: Dəniz suyu, anod, katod, yanacaq qazı, AKK, AKM.
Summary: In article the maintenance of the special developing complexes aimed at the development of power qualities of athletes-rock-climbers is opened.
Key words: rock-climbing, power qualities, hung.
Аннотация. Данная статья рассматривает такую проблему современного общества, как особенности социализации детей в многодетных семьях. В статье проанализированы результаты социологического исследования, проведенного в г. Тюмени в ходе которого были опрошены семьи с 1-2 детьми и семьи, имеющие 3 и более детей. Полученные ответы респондентов были проанализированы и выявлены особенности воспитания и социализации детей в многодетных семьях.
Ключевые слова. Многодетная семья, социализация, воспитание в многодетных семьях. Family, socialization, upbringing in large families.
Abstract: The article traced and studied the course of development of the main directions of scientific thought from ancient times to the present day, showing how scientific thought give a wealth of information for the scope of inventive activity; observed changes in the level applying for the invention in a number of countries around the world. It was revealed that the leadership in the marked positions increases the competitiveness of the national economy, creates favorable conditions for the development of a society's culture, its science and education.
Keywords: scientific thought, civilization, inventions, patents, electronics, techno, konurentosposobnost.
Summary: In the article the problems of unification and auditing payments of wages and offer solutions to these problems.
Key words: minimum wage, living wage, labour costs, wages.
Summary: The computational model of additional errors, which occur from interaction of intense shock N-wave with inertial positioning devices of hypersonic aircraft was built. Angles of coincidence for the industrial design of the angular velocity sensor were fitted. A comparative analysis of the experimental data for seminatural conditions for the two cases (gyroscope ON, gyroscope OFF) was made. Conclusions about the possibility of use of the results were made.
Key words: N-wave, hypersonic aircraft, caustic zone, wave coincidence, float gyroscope.
Summary. In article parametres of influence of a site of a broadband network of user's access, and also quality indicators are considered by transfer on networks of the traffic of a various kind.
Аnnotation: The industrial robots using positioning the stops to reduce dynamic loads and reduce the dynamic error component used special damping devices. However, when changing the speeds of the masses and working organs (PO) in a wide range such devices require the adjustment of its parameters. The use of shock absorbers as elastic thrusts allows for the maximum speed of the PO and the reduction of dynamic loads at the time of hitting the fence.
Necessary characteristics depreciation quality can be obtained as a result of the construction of systems with variable structure, which are due to discontinuous control essentially nonlinear systems. Operation of the system variable structure provides instant removal and restoration, using the logic switching elements, relations between its individual links and the use of local mineral properties of these units [1]. In the energy aspect of the amortization of the system of variable structure are more advantageous than the active vibration isolation system as well as the energy they expended only on the parameters of control.
Keywords: control, pneumatic shock absorber movement.
Summary: Covering performance comparison of existing object-relational mapping on the database used in project in telecommunications business area. Demonstrated graphical comparison of performance on different types of requests.
Key words: SQL Server, databases, object-relational mapping, performance, Ado.Net. Entity Framework, NHibernate, LINQ2SQL, software.
Summary. Studied some aspects of regional funds. The problems and identified areas for social and economic development in the context of effective financial management.
Key words: finance, resources, region, development, management, investment, income, financial and economic instability.
Summary. The article defines the necessity of full implementation of the regional fiscal policy. Studied theoretical aspects of regional policy. Identified problems and outlined the direction of the practical implementation of regional fiscal policy in the context of socio-economic development.
Key words: budget, taxes, region, development, economy, government regulation, policy.
Анотація: Досліджені етапи аграрної реформи в Україні. Вивчено їх результати та наслідки для подальшого розвитку українського аграрного сектору.
Ключові слова: аграрна реформа, сільськогосподарське виробництво, аграрний сектор.
Summary: Researched and analyzed natural and climatic conditions and fertile land of Ukraine, which contribute to the cultivation of crops and produce high-quality food grain.
Key words: grain farming, grain production, grain market.
Summary: The article analyzes the concept of restorative justice and the perspectives of mediation in criminal cases.
Key words: restorative justice, criminal process, criminal, crime, victim, reconciliation, social integration.
Abstract: This article analyzes the concept of the relationship of learning and development in modern education. Retrospective analyzes of experience on this issue, it considered the main parameters that make up the functions. Identify ways effective communication training and development of senior who are responsible for its specialization, the life works trajectory, personal maturity. The author analyzes the main directions of the general development of seniors, namely: intellectual, social and valeological. It is concluded that an important factor in the implementation of the relationship of learning and development of pupils is to build a multi-dimensional model of educational content.
Keywords: the relationship of learning and development, oldest school.
Annotation: In the article the feasibility of an automatic control system for the conveyor belt tension and alignment of its motion in the horizontal plane.
Key words: ribbon, belt, drum, tensioning station, sensor, actuator device.
Annotation: The article presents the results of theoretical justification mode start-chain conveyor with minimal dynamic efforts in the chain.
Key words: chain conveyor, motion, starting, effort, weight, resistance.
Annotation:The analysis of international competitiveness indexes which allow to assess the current state of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine is done in the article. The investment attractiveness of Ukraine at the macroeconomic level is studied. The main problems that must be solved in Ukraine in order to improve the investment environment are identified.
Key words: investment attractiveness, investment climate, investment image, the Global Competitiveness Index.
Summary: In work results of the analysis of risk of bankruptcy of JSC Atomenergoprom are presented. Calculations of degree of risk are given by classical methods: R. Taffler and G. Tishou, G. V. Davydova and A. Yu. Belikov, and also the method based on the theory of fuzzy logic, offered by A. O. Nedosekin. On the basis of these methods the program complex which results and opportunities are presented in this work has been developed.
Keywords: analysis, bankruptcy, risk, model, program complex.