The Publishing house "Internauka" (Kyiv, Ukraine) - specializes in the production of scientific journals, monographs and scientific manuals, organizes international scientific conferences. Journals of the Publishing House "Internauka" are included in the leading scientometric base, distributed by the world's major libraries and universities.  For more information about the house is presented in the section "About Us" (link).

The publishing house "Internauka" is an official partner (Sponsoring Member) of the PILA in Europe and provides registration services for publishing houses (publications, universities, scientific organizations) in Crossref agency with the purpose of assigning the scientific materials to the digital identifier DOI. More detailed information about the cooperation is presented in the section "Assignment of DOI

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Multidisciplinary International scientific journal "Internauka"

The journal is published twice a month

International scientific journal "Internauka" is an officially registered, ongoing multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific periodical with open access (Certificate of Registration: KV No. 22444-12344ПР). 

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International electronic scientific journal "Nauka Online"

The journal is published once a month

International electronic scientific journal "Nauka online" is an officially registered, ongoing multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific periodical with open access (Certificate of Registration: KV No. 22285-12185Р). 






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International scientific journal "Internauka." Series: "Economic Sciences" (Included in the "List of HACs")

The journal is published once a month

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences" is an officially registered, ongoing, peer-reviewed scientific periodical with open access (Certificate of Registration: KV No. 22443-12343Р). The magazine is included in the list of specialized journals recommended by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, in accordance with Order No. № 693 of  10.05.2017.

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International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences" (Included in the "List of HACs")

The journal is published once a month

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences" is an officially registered, ongoing, peer-reviewed scientific periodical with open access (Certificate of Registration: KV No. 22442-12342Р). The magazine is included in the list of specialized journals recommended by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, in accordance with Order No. № 693 of  10.05.2017.   

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The International Scientific Journal "Internauka" together with the International Scientific Center and with Financial And Economic Scientific Union conducts the International Scientific and Practical Conferences on various fields of sciences. Following the results of each conference the collection of articles is issued, obligatory mailing is carried out and all materials are placed on the website of the Publishing house "Internauka".

Conference jointly with the International Scientific Center for the Development of Science and Technology
Conference together with Financial And Economic Scientific Union

VІІІ International scientific and practical Internet conference "ECONOMICS, FINANCE, BANKING AND EDUCATION: CURRENT ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT, ACHIEVEMENTS AND INNOVATIONS" (Odesa-Ostrava, Ukraine-Czech Republic), April 6-7, 2023


Banking Department of Odessa National Economic University and European Institute for Innovation Development (Ostrava, Czech Republic)

invite you to take part in the VІІІ International scientific and practical Internet conference


which will be held on April 6-7, 2023

The event is supported by the Public Scientific Organization “Financial and Economic Scientific Council” and the Publishing House “Internauka” (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Co-organizers of the conference:

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Republic of Bulgaria), Ivano-Frankivsk Research and Development Institute of Management, West Ukrainian National University Ivano-Frankivsk (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine), National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» (Poltava, Ukraine), Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Aim of the conference is a professional discussion of key issues and searching for solutions to current problems in economy, finance, banking and education of different countries; establishment of contacts between scientists, expansion of the international cooperation with universities, exchange of the research and practical experience, publication of scientific research results.

We invite lecturers, researchers, under-, post-graduate, doctoral students and all interested from Ukraine and foreign countries to participate in the conference.



  • Academic platform 1 “Features of Economic Processes under the Conditions of Martial Law”.
  • Academic platform 2 “Development of the Financial Market under the Conditions of Digitalization of Economy”.
  • Academic platform 3 “Innovative Vectors of the Development of the Banking System”.
  • Academic platform 4 “Modern Economic Education: Innovative Methods and Digital Technology".

Conference languages: Ukrainian, English.

Form of participation: online, by means of discussion on the official website of the Publishing House “Internauka” and publication of theses in the digital conference proceedings.

As a result of the conference, the proceedings will be formed in PDF format. The conference proceedings will be assigned:

  • UDC, JEL Classification indexes;
  • copyright sign;
  • DOI digital identifier;
  • ISBN (Czech Republic).

The conference proceedings will be placed on the portal of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadskyi, in the Odessa National Economic University repository, on the official website of European Institute for Innovation Development and on the official website of the Publishing House “Internauka”.



Date of the conference

April 6-7, 2023

Deadline for submission of the applications for participation in the conference

February 27, 2023

Deadline for submission of theses

March 6, 2023

Placement of theses on the official website of the Publishing House “Internauka”

April 5, 2023

Placement of theses in the repository of Odessa National Economic University

April 19, 2023

Distribution of the conference proceedings and participants’ certificates in PDF format

April 24, 2023

Distribution of a paper copy of the conference proceedings and participants’ certificates

May 8, 2023

The digital version of the conference proceedings and the European conference participants’ digital certificate with the number of hours (12 hours – 0.4 ECTS credits) will be sent to the participants’ email addresses specified in the application form in accordance with the conference calendar.

At request, the participants of the conference can submit articles to the scientific journal “Scientific Bulletin of Odessa National Economic University”, B category. Additional information about the scientific journal and conditions of the publication can be found at the link:



For the participation in the conference, the following materials must be sent to the email address [email protected] before March, 6 inclusive:

  • theses prepared according to the requirements;
  • completed application form ( (co-authors fill out one application form);
  • a scanned (photographed) receipt for the payment of the registration fee and for production of the paper copy of conference proceedings (in case of an order).

Files must include the authors’ last name, for example: Ivanov_thesis.docx, Ivanov_receipt.docx.

After the conference organizing committee has reviewed the received materials, a notification regarding the confirmation of the materials will be sent to the authors’ email addresses.



Please fill in the application form which opens after you click the link below.

We kindly remind you that the deadline for sending your application form is February 27, 2023.

Application form



Post address: Odessa National Economic University, Department of Banking, str. Pushkinska, 26, room 102, Odesa, 65082, Ukraine.

Email address: [email protected] 

The Publishing house "Internauka" offers services in imposition, proof-reading and publication of single and collective monographs, as well as teaching aids. All published monographs and manuals are placed in scientometric base and each edition is assigned with a digital identifier DOI. More detailed information is available on the link.