organize V International Scientific and Practical Conference

«Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and development prospects»

Bukovel, Ukraine

March 20-23, 2017

For participation in conference are invited: graduate students, doctoral candidates, competitors, students, teachers, scientists.

Approximate number of participants: 150 people.


Following the results of carrying out conference all scientific practices will be published in the collection of theses (with assistance of colleagues from Vienna). Materials will be placed on the official website of the International scientific magazine, on the website of Scientific electronic library (in the RINTs bibliographic base).


To each author it will be sent PDF version of the collection of theses and the certificate of the participant of the European conference (in electronic form). Authors have an opportunity to order a printed copy of the collection, thus the certificate of the conferee will be sent free of charge.


Sections of the conference:

  • Section 1. Finance, insurance and stock exchange activities.
  • Section 2. Finance, law and education in the digital age.
  • Section 3. Problems of methodology and practice of management..
  • Section 4. Actual problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine today.


Schedule of conference:

Start date of conference

March 2, 2017

Conference expiration date

March 23, 2017

Deadline of reception of materials

February 20, 2017

The publication of materials on the official website of the 

International Scientific Journal «Internauka»

till March 20, 2017

Mailing of PDF version of collections

till March 20, 2017

Mailing of the printing version of collections and certificates

till March 23, 2017

Placement of materials in RINTs

Within 3 months after carrying out conference


Form of participation in conference: full-time; extramural, by discussing the articles on the website of the International Scientific Journal «Internauka».

Official languages of conference: Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek, English, German, Polish, French.


It is necessary for participation (to term a deadline):

1. To fill in the application for participation (coauthors fill in one demand).

2. To send electronic version of theses (till 17.02.16) and information on payment of an organizational contribution to the address: [email protected].

  • After filling of the application for participation within 3 working days the Secretariat will send confirmation, the contract for providing services and requisites for payment.
  • In case of confirmation non receipt — it is necessary to direct repeatedly materials and to contact the organizing committee (in the written or telephone modes).

The size of an organizational contribution for internal participation*:

Payment currency








At payment till 19.02.2017




At payment after 19.02.2017

* Organizational collecting covers the following expenses:

1. Accommodation in Bukovel hotel (double rooms) with breakfasts.

2. Participation in plenary session of conference.

3. Reviewing and placement of article on the website of the International scientific magazine for discussion.

4. Printing and PDF version of collections of materials and certificates of conferees.

In case of refusal from participation in the internal program of conference, to the participant 25% of the sum of an organizational contribution come back, within a month after date of conference and the right to place materials in the collection of materials of conference is granted.


Program of conference:

20.03.2017. Аrrival and the settlement of conferees in Bukovel hotel. Free time.

21.03.2017. 09:00-16:30 Free time.

                         17:00 — plenary session.

22.03.2017. Driving on skis/sledge / Free time.

23.03.2017. Conference closing. Departure

It is in addition paid:

1. Journey to a conference venue.

2. Personal expenses.

The size of an organizational contribution for remote participation *:

Payment currency








Theses to 5 pages




Each subsequent page


Bank details for payment of the registration fee will be sent upon receipt of the organizing committee of abstracts and fill in the online application.


Participants of the conference have the opportunity to publish their scientific articles on a priority basis in «Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design», Economic Science Series.

Articles submitted for publishing in «Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design»(Economic Science Series) must comply with Bulletin requirements (download requirements).

Fee for publishing materials in Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design"(Economic Science Series) is 40 UAH per page.

Bank details for payment for publication:

Recipient: Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

EDRPOU of the recipient: 02070890

Recipient's Bank: UDKSU in Pechersk district, Kyiv

Routing Recipient: 820172

Сurrent account: 31259228203551

Purpose of payment: full names of authors of publication — payment for publishing in «Bulletin of КNUТD» (Economic Science Series).



Theses have to be executed on a hot topic, contain the results of independent research issued according to the established requirements:

  • Volume of theses: no more than 5 pages at an A4 page format (297х210 mm), orientation — book. Each subsequent page at the publication is estimated at a rate of 15 griven/50rub/1 in $ for 1 piece.
  • Fields: all fields of 25 mm;
  • Font: Times New Roman, a size — 14, a line spacing — 1,5 style — Normal; Use of a font of the smaller size (10 points) for text sites which have auxiliary (minor) value Is allowed.
  • Alignment of the text: on width.
  • Paragraph space: 1,25.
  • Numbering of pages: it isn't conducted.
  • Drawings and tables: It is necessary to give in article after the text where they are mentioned for the first time or on the following page. Size of the tabular text 12, interval 1. Digital material moves in the table which has serial number and alignment on the right side (for example, of Tablitsa1) and the name (it is printed over the table in the middle a bold-face type. Drawing has to be uniform graphic object (i.e., grouped). Format of tables and drawings the book.
  • Formulas: have to be gathered by means of the editor of formulas (the internal editor of formulas Microsoft Word for Windows).
  • Links to literature in the text need to be submitted in square brackets for example, [3, page 35; 8, page 56-59] in which the first figure indicates serial number of a source in the list of references, and the second — the corresponding page in this source; one source from another separates a semicolon. The bibliography is given in the end of theses under the heading «Literature».
  • Name of the file: the name of the file has to be in English, according to a surname of the author (for example: Kovalenko O.M).


1. Name of section: alignment on the right edge, a font: italics.

2. Surname and name, middle name: alignment on the right edge, a font: the semiboldface.

3. Academic degree, academic status, position, place of work (study): alignment on the right edge, a font: italics.

4. Name of theses: alignment on the center a font: semiboldface, all words capital letters (to ten words).

5. Text of theses.

6. Literature.


Section: Finance, money and credit


graduate student of chair of management

Lviv Academy of Commerce

Lviv, Ukraine



Text of theses


  1. Zakharova O. D. Theoretical aspects of definition of economic essence of the concept «regional system» in the context of regionalization of economy / O. D. Zakharova//Economy and management. — 2014. — No. 1. — Page 46-51.