Andijan Agricultural institute (Andijan, Uzbekistan)

Комилова Д., Мирхамидова Н., Алиева Ф., Мирхамидова Г., Холисбеков Ж.  Совмещение культур в хлопковом комплексе и плодородие луговых орошаемых почв // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2020. - №4.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Комилов К. С., Комилова Д. К., Алижонова Г. А., Собиров С. Т., Мамадалиев Ж .Ш. Влияние обработки и орошения рядов на корневую систему растений // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №1.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Сулаймонов И. Ж., Комилова Д. К., Собиров С. Т., Солижонов Ш. З., Абдуқодиров Х. В. Повторное выращивание семян сахарной свеклы зависит от посева посадки саженцев // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №1.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Summary: The general data of the three-year study shows that the varieties of cotton that showed high ACS, when they are re-studied, even with a slightly different composition of pollinators in crossings, basically confirm their potential.

Some fluctuations in the manifestation of ACS over the years of research are noted in the case when linear material is involved in crossing. This apparently is due to the heterogeneity of the linear material.

From the above, it follows that to conduct studies on the study of the combinative ability of cotton varieties, it is better to involve more mature varieties in the cross.

Key words: Cotton variety, combinative ability, viticulture, yield, growth and development, fiber quality.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Summary: Agrotechnics cotton varies depending on weather conditions, soil types and their structure. A rational system of farming during the development of cotton as established, but some of its elements continues to attract the attention of both scientists and practitioners.

Key words: cotton, hundredweight, hectare, crop, seeds, sowing, harvesting, watering, soil, fiber.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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Summary: For the first time in a bright sierozems on cotton crops scientifically proved the effectiveness of differentiated depth of inter-row cultivation on the background of irrigation regimes 70-70-60% of the HB and put into production. Carrying loosening between rows at a depth of 23-25 cm before thinning plants, the provost of the international processing to a depth of 17-18 cm, and the next -14-16 cm had a positive effect on water-physical properties of soil development and fruiting, helped increase productivity and improve the quality of cotton fiber - raw.

Key words: deep processing of cotton row spacing, irrigation regime, agro physical and agrochemical properties of the soil, growth, development, root system, yield.

Branch of science: Agricultural sciences
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